FIG - Leading Stockiests and reconditioners of used ships sapres.
Our strength lies in engaged supplying & trading of Used / New Marine & Industrial equipments and parts at competitive price through its Global sourcing network.
These machineries & spares are procured from India's largest Ship breaking yard. "Alang". Complete range of spares & working knowledge has empowered us to quality product, fair prices & time delivery, best services to customers.
We are complemented in assisting domestic & international market forces, With the specific requirement of our customers across the globe, our customized products enable us in fulfilling bulk order requirement of the customers.
Our valued major customers are from USA, UK, Canada, Europe, France, Italy, South Africa, Malaysia, China, Singapore, Dubai, Japan, Philippines.
FIG provides team for Repair and Services of Marine & Industrial equipments and parts at site or on board of the ship.